CrDOF controls the C. reinhardtii cell cycle. A, Flow cytometer cell size from algal cultures in LD (left) and SD (right) in CW15 (black), CrDOFin (dark gray), and CrDOFox:YFP (light gray) at top or CC-4351 (black), amiCrDOF #4 (dark gray), and amiCrDOF #1 (light gray) at bottom. B, Expression of CrCYCA1 (black) and CrCDKB1 (gray) in LD (top) and SD (bottom) in CW15 (solid lines), CrDOFin (dashed lines), and CrDOFox:YFP (dotted lines) in 24-h courses. Data are from three independent experiments ± se. *, P < 0.05. C, Scheme of CrDOF control over cell cycle progression in LD (left) and SD (right). Circle size represents algal size, and number of circles represents growth progression.