11KR and 16KR IAA1 proteins are degraded rapidly in vivo. A, Western-blot analysis of cycloheximide degradation assays for KR-substituted HIS6x-HA3x-IAA1 proteins. A representative anti-HA blot is shown for each protein; 100 μg of total protein was loaded for each time point. B, The degradation line was determined by regression analysis, and the resulting lines determined are IAA1, y = −0.08273x + 0.2574; 11KR, y = −0.06356x + 0.3358; and 16KR, y = −0.05529x + 0.2309. Half-lives are given ±95% confidence intervals. Numbers indicate corresponding regression lines for given proteins. The lines for 11KR and 16KR are not different from one another (P value = 0.3242). Both the 11KR and 16KR lines differ from wild-type (Wt) IAA1 (P values = 0.01312 and 0.0157, respectively). Experiments were conducted in biological triplicate, with three technical replicates for each time point and at least three independent lines for each.