Figure 4.
Protective effect of hypoxia against Aβ toxicity. (a) Effect of hypoxia (48 h, 0.5% O2) on Aβ-induced loss of cell viability in empty vector containing cells. Bars show mean±S.E.M. of four repeats. Right, immunofluorescent images using anti-HO-1 primary antibody showing upregulation of HO-1 following 48 h of hypoxia. (b) As (a) except studies were conducted in PrPc-expressing cells. (c) Effects of Aβ on cell viability in hypoxic PrPc-expressing cells in the absence (open bars) and presence (shaded bars) of the HO-1 inhibitor, QC-15. Bars represent the mean±S.E.M. of four repeats. Statistical significance is denoted by ***P<0.001, #P<0.01 when compared with corresponding control and corresponding Aβ1-42 treated cells, respectively