Table 3. Estimates of the bivariate genetic model for NEB and AFB for the pooled sample of women from the UK and the Netherlands using information from about 1 million SNPs.
h2 SNP NEB (SE) | h2 SNP AFB (SE) | r(G)SNP AFB-NEB (SE) | p-value a | Phenotypic correlation | NAFB/NEB | |
Overall (SE b ) | Due to genetic effects (SE b ) | |||||
0.08 (0.05) | 0.15 (0.04) | -0.62 (0.27) | 0.02 | -0.38 (0.02) | -0.07 (0.03) | 5967/4865 c |
NEB: standardized by country and log transformed to adapt the distribution; AFB: standardized by country
a: p-values are based on likelihood-ratio tests, the reference model constraints genetic effects to be 0;—one-tailed (default in GCTA)
b. Standard errors have been transformed using the delta method([54])
c: The N of age at first birth is larger than for number of children ever born. The reason is that only women with completed fertility history are included for the latter (for discussion see material and methods and Table 1). For the full model, including environmental/residual effects see S2 Table.