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. 2015 May 14;4(2):193–199. doi: 10.1016/j.amsu.2015.05.003

Table 1.

The clinical features of all 211 patients with hepatic resection.

Variables HCC < 10 cm (n = 188) HCC ≧ 10 cm (n = 23) p-value
Clinical characteristics
Age 59.77 ± 10.25 61.52 ± 12.18 0.449#
Gender 0.14
 Male 135 20
 Female 53 3
Symptoms (+) 33 (17.6%) 17 (73.9%) <0.001
Virus type 0.022
 Non-B Non-C 18 (9.6%) 5(21.7%)
 HBV 70(37.2%) 13(56.6%)
 HCV 83(44.2%) 3(13%)
 HBV+HCV 17(9%) 2(8.7%)
PLT (103/uL) 155.75±61.42 258.48±134.08 <0.001
PT (INR) 1.12±0.71 1.07±0.75 0.939
Albumin(g/dL) 3.96±0.55 3.51±0.60 <0.001
 ALB ≧3.5 157 12 0.001
 ALB <3.5 31 11
Child-Pugh class 0.044
 A 183 20
 B 5(2.8%) 3 (13%)
MELD score 8.75±3.99 7.83±1.51 0.408
Median AFP level (ng/ml) 18.225 30.15 0.256
(2.87–65433) (1.25– 677930)
 AFP ≧1000 28 8 0.034
 AFP <1000 160 15

#: Student t test, Other continuous variables: Mann Whitney U test.

Abbreviations: HBV: hepatitis B virus, HCV: hepatitis C virus, PLT: platelet, Cre: Creatinine, PT: Prothrombin time, INR: International normalized ratio, AFP: Alpha-fetoprotein.