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. 2015 Jun 3;92(Suppl 6):59–67. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.14-0389

Table 2.

Legitimate supply chain counterfeit penetration by therapeutic category

Therapeutic class Frequency Percent (%) Cumulative percent (%)
Anti-infectives 380 21.1 21.1
Genitourinary 260 14.5 35.6
Cardiovascular 208 11.6 47.1
Central nervous system 197 11.0 58.1
Alimentary 164 9.1 67.2
Musculoskeletal 146 8.1 75.3
Metabolism 138 7.7 83.0
Respiratory 68 3.8 86.8
Other (unclassified) 61 3.4 90.2
Cytostatics 58 3.2 93.4
Hormones 38 2.1 95.5
Dermatological 36 2.0 97.5
Blood agents 34 1.9 99.4
Sensory organs 5 0.3 99.7
Parasitology 3 0.2 99.8
Not reported 2 0.1 99.9
Hospital solutions 1 0.1 100.0
Total 1,799 100.0

According to the PSI CIS system, the term “counterfeit” refers to a report of a medicine that was deliberately and fraudulently produced and/or mislabeled with respect to identity and/or sources to make it appear to be a genuine product, whether branded or generic.

Therapeutic class definitions used by PSI CIS: Anti-infectives = drugs used to treat diseases caused by infectious agents including antimicrobial drugs, antivirals, antifungals, and antiproatozoans; Genitourinary = drugs used to treat diseases of the genitourinary or urogenital system including reproductive organs and the urinary tract; Cardiovascular = drugs that treat cardiovascular diseases and conditions impacting the heart, circulatory system, or both; Central nervous system = drugs used to treat neurological diseases of Central Nervous System, including mental health drugs; Alimentary = drugs used to treat diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract; Musculoskeletal = drugs used to treat diseases the musculoskeletal system including anti-inflammatory and certain antirheumatic drugs; Metabolism = drugs used to treat metabolic and endocrine disorders; Respiratory = drugs used to treat respiratory diseases and infections; Cytostatics = drugs used to treat carcinomas and other nonhomeostatic proliferation of cells; Hormones = drugs used to treat diseases of hormonal imbalance, such as hormone replacement therapy; Dermatological = drugs used for the treatment of dermatologic conditions; Blood agents = drugs used to treat hematologic disorders; Sensory organs = drugs used to treat sensory and proprioception disorders; Parasitology = drugs used to specifically treat parasitic diseases; Hospital solutions = agents to disinfectant in general hospital settings.