Figure 2. Membrane tension inhibits protein aggregation.
(a) Polymerization free energy (Fp) as a function of end-to-end distance (d) between the incoming N-BAR molecule and a linear chain with: 3 N-BARs, 1 N-BAR or 5 N-BARs, as depicted at the bottom of each plot. For all plots, measurement done from two independent umbrella-sampling calculations, each using 34 different sampling windows (except at zero tension, where 46 windows were used), each window run for 100,000 time steps. (b) Magnitude of Fp and the interaction length scale (λ) as a function of membrane tension (σ) for the three chain lengths, where N is the total number of proteins in the chain. Dots represent free-energy minima taken from measurements in a. Cross marks denote values obtained using , where κ=15 kBT.