Figure 6. Actual multiplex pattern.
The Mimura-Murray model with mobilities σ(v) = σ(u) = 0.12 on a multiplex network with scale-free layers of N = 1,000 nodes, and mean degrees and
. Non-uniform stationary pattern is shown in the activator layer G(u) (a) as well as in the inhibitor layer G(v) (b). Nodes in activator layer are ordered according to decreasing degree; nodes in the inhibitor layer are ordered correspondingly. c, Same pattern is shown in the actual multiplex network. Nodes in G(u) are plotted using a spring algorithm, so that, those having high degrees are placed in the center and those with small degrees in the periphery. Nodes in G(v) follow the same indexing. For convenience, intra-layer links are not shown, while from inter-layer links only few are chosen to be shown.