Glucose subsystem: Hovorka et al25
States |
Masses of glucose in accessible (plasma) compartment |
Masses of glucose in nonaccessible compartment |
Input |
Meal disturbance |
Parameters |
Patient mass |
Mass of patient in kg |
Non-insulin-dependent glucose flux |
Volume of the glucose compartment |
The transfer rate constant from the nonaccessible to the accessible compartment |
Renal glucose clearance |
Endogenous glucose production (EGP) extrapolated to the zero insulin concentration |
Amount of glucose given during meal |
Availability of glucose |
Time for peak glucose absorption |
Insulin kinetic subsystem: Wilinska et al26
States |
Slow subcutaneous compartment 1 |
Fast subcutaneous compartment |
Slow subcutaneous compartment 2 |
Masses of insulin in accessible (plasma) compartment |
Input |
Insulin dosage |
Parameters |
Proportion of the total input flux passing through the slower, 2 compartment channel |
Rate constant of the slow subcutaneous compartment of insulin |
Rate constant of the fast subcutaneous compartment of insulin |
Insulin elimination from plasma |
Insulin distribution volume |
Saturation level describing Michaelis Menten dynamics of insulin degradation for continuous infusion and bolus |
The value of insulin mass (mU) at which insulin degradation is equal to half of its maximal value for continuous infusion and bolus |
Insulin dynamic subsystem: Hovorka et al25
States |
The (remote) effects of insulin on glucose distribution/transport |
The (remote) effects of insulin on glucose disposal |
The (remote) effects of insulin on EGP |
Parameters |
Deactivation rate—insulin action subsystem (glucose distribution/transport) |
Deactivation rate—insulin action subsystem (glucose disposal) |
Deactivation rate—insulin action subsystem (EGP) |
Insulin sensitivity of distribution/transport |
Insulin sensitivity of disposal |
Insulin sensitivity of EGP |
Pramlintide kinetics subsystem: Clodi et al20
States |
Pramlintide subcutaneous compartment |
Masses of pramlintide in accessible (plasma) compartment |
Masses of pramlintide in nonaccessible compartment |
Masses of pramlintide in nonaccessible compartment |
Represents effective pramlintide compartment responsible for pharmacodynamics effects on glucose |
Input |
Pramlintide dosage |
Parameters |
Rate constant |
Pramlintide elimination from the plasma |
Initial distribution volume |
Rate constant flux from compartment 2 to 1 |
Rate constant flux from compartment 1 to 2 |
Rate constant flux from compartment 3 to 3 |
Rate constant flux from compartment 2 to 3 |
Transport delay of pramlintide from the plasma to the effective compartment |
Pramlintide dynamic subsystem |
States |
Time of peak meal absorption at last time point |
Time of peak meal absorption at current time point |
Gap created when a change in tmax,G occurs |
Parameters |
Lag constant on tmax,G
Time delay on the meal caused by pramlintide |
Minimum effective pramlintide concentration |
Time at which effective pramlintide concentration changes