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. 2014 May;8(3):529–542. doi: 10.1177/1932296813517323


Symbol Description
Glucose subsystem: Hovorka et al25
G1 Masses of glucose in accessible (plasma) compartment
G2 Masses of glucose in nonaccessible compartment
uG Meal disturbance
Patient mass Mass of patient in kg
F01c Non-insulin-dependent glucose flux
VG Volume of the glucose compartment
kg The transfer rate constant from the nonaccessible to the accessible compartment
FR Renal glucose clearance
EGP Endogenous glucose production (EGP) extrapolated to the zero insulin concentration
DG Amount of glucose given during meal
AG Availability of glucose
tmax,G Time for peak glucose absorption
Insulin kinetic subsystem: Wilinska et al26
SQis1 Slow subcutaneous compartment 1
SQif Fast subcutaneous compartment
SQis2 Slow subcutaneous compartment 2
PlasmaI Masses of insulin in accessible (plasma) compartment
uInsulin Insulin dosage
kSQi Proportion of the total input flux passing through the slower, 2 compartment channel
kSQis Rate constant of the slow subcutaneous compartment of insulin
kSQif Rate constant of the fast subcutaneous compartment of insulin
kei Insulin elimination from plasma
VI Insulin distribution volume
Vmax,LD Saturation level describing Michaelis Menten dynamics of insulin degradation for continuous infusion and bolus
kM,LD The value of insulin mass (mU) at which insulin degradation is equal to half of its maximal value for continuous infusion and bolus
Insulin dynamic subsystem: Hovorka et al25
I1 The (remote) effects of insulin on glucose distribution/transport
I2 The (remote) effects of insulin on glucose disposal
I3 The (remote) effects of insulin on EGP
kia1 Deactivation rate—insulin action subsystem (glucose distribution/transport)
kia2 Deactivation rate—insulin action subsystem (glucose disposal)
kia3 Deactivation rate—insulin action subsystem (EGP)
SfIT Insulin sensitivity of distribution/transport
SfID Insulin sensitivity of disposal
SfIE Insulin sensitivity of EGP
Pramlintide kinetics subsystem: Clodi et al20
SQP Pramlintide subcutaneous compartment
PlasmaP Masses of pramlintide in accessible (plasma) compartment
P2 Masses of pramlintide in nonaccessible compartment
P3 Masses of pramlintide in nonaccessible compartment
Peff Represents effective pramlintide compartment responsible for pharmacodynamics effects on glucose
uPram Pramlintide dosage
kSQP Rate constant
kep Pramlintide elimination from the plasma
VP Initial distribution volume
kp21 Rate constant flux from compartment 2 to 1
kp12 Rate constant flux from compartment 1 to 2
kp32 Rate constant flux from compartment 3 to 3
kp23 Rate constant flux from compartment 2 to 3
pθ Transport delay of pramlintide from the plasma to the effective compartment
Pramlintide dynamic subsystem
tmax,G,old Time of peak meal absorption at last time point
tmax,G,new Time of peak meal absorption at current time point
Gap Gap created when a change in tmax,G occurs
klag Lag constant on tmax,G
nθ Time delay on the meal caused by pramlintide
Pmin Minimum effective pramlintide concentration
tsw Time at which effective pramlintide concentration changes tmax,G