a, Tet-on p533KR stable line cells were treated with doxycycline followed by western blots and RT–PCR. b, ChIP assay was performed in wild-type p53 (p53WT) and p533KR tet-on stable line cells. c, Messenger RNA level of Slc7a11 in MEFs with indicated genotype was determined by RT–PCR with Hprt as endogenous control. d, Cystine uptake activity (c.p.m., count per minute) was determined in p533KR stable line cells. Mean ± s.d. from two technical replicates are shown. e, Cystine uptake levels (c.p.m.) were measured in MEFs derived from three individual embryos for each genotype (error bars, s.e.m.). All data were repeated independently three times with representatives shown.