a, Schematic diagram showing the procedure for generation of Slc7a11-BAC transgenic mice. b, Snap shot of BACs surrounding mouse Slc7a11 genes. BAC (RP24-242E11) that contains only the Slc7a11 gene was selected for injection. c, PCR at both ends of the BAC construct identified founders (no. 21 and no. 22) as positive BAC transgenic mice. d, Germline transmission was confirmed from both founders identified in c. NC, no template control. e, Thymus and brain tissues from 3-week-old litter mates of control and Slc7a11-BAC transgenic mice were lysed and examined by western blots. f, MEF cells with indicated genotypes were treated as in Fig. 6e for 2 h and mRNA levels were determined by RT–qPCR. Mean ± s.d. from two technical replicates are shown. g, Representative images of cells treated as in Fig. 6e (magnification, ×10).