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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2015 Jun 4.
Published in final edited form as: JAMA Psychiatry. 2015 Jun 1;72(6):593–602. doi: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.41

Table 2.

Outcomes for ADHD Separately by Treatment Groupa

P Value
Scale Placebo (n = 43) 60 mg (n = 40) 80 mg (n = 43) Placebo vs 60 and 80 mg Placebo vs 60 mg Placebo vs 80 mg 60 vs 80 mg
 Score at last wk, mean (SD)b 25.78 (13.94)c 15.34 (12.93)d 20.61 (14.22)c
 Last wk vs wk 0
  ≥30% Reduction, No. (%) 17 (39.5) 30 (75.0) 25 (58.1) .003 <001 .07 .09
  Score change, mean (SD)e 8.59 (12.24)c 20.53 (13.18)d 15.63 (10.93)c <001 <001 .01 .04
CGI psychopathology subscale for ADHD, last wk vs wk 0
 Improvement, with score of ≤2, No. (%) 5 (11.6) 16 (40.0) 15 (34.9) .002 .003 .006 .86
 Score change, mean (SD)e 0.80 (1.23)c 1.66 (1.17)d 1.24 (1.11)c .001 <.001 .03 .20
CAARS observer T-score, mean (SD)
  Score at last wk 63.23 (15.77)f 55.03 (15.56)g 57.62 (14.70)h
  Score change at last wk vs wk 0e 5.01 (12.84)f 19.64 (16.33)g 12.79 (13.53)h <001 <001 .02 .07
  Score at last wk 62.73 (17.12)f 55.54 (16.83)g 57.90 (13.42)h
  Score change at last wk vs wk 0e 5.42 (14.92)f 17.58 (14.71)g 11.26 (12.47)h .002 <001 .06 .08
  Score at last wk 60.65 (14.21)f 53.11 (13.04)g 55.28 (14.44)h
  Score change at last wk vs wk 0e 4.03 (11.66)f 17.75 (16.19)g 12.18 (14.05)h <001 <001 .02 .15

Abbreviations: ADHD, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; AISRS, Adult ADHD Investigator Symptom Rating Scale; CAARS, Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scale; CGI, Clinical Global Impression.


The doses of 60 mg and 80 mg indicate the doses of extended-release mixed amphetamine salts per day. Statistical tests are adjusted for baseline cocaine use and for the week 0 measure of the ADHD scale (see Methods for details). Week 0 summaries are shown in Table 1.


The mean (SD) last weeks with nonmissing AISRS scores were the following: 9.49 (3.92) weeks for placebo, 10.18 (3.48) for 60-mg extended-release mixed amphetamine salts, and 10.47 (3.25) weeks for 80-mg extended-release mixed amphetamine salts.


Based on n = 41 owing to missing data.


Based on n = 38 owing to missing data.


Calculated as the value at week 0minus the value at the last week.


Based on n = 40 owing to missing data.


Based on n = 37 owing to missing data.


Based on n = 39 owing to missing data.