Figure 2. DRAIC is a clinically relevant lncRNA.
(A) Relative expression (FPKM) of DRAIC in prostate cancer pre- and post-ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy) (post-ADT: prostate cancer harvested approximately 22 weeks after ADT initiation) using published RNA-seq dataset from 7 patients (25). The expression of DRAIC was determined using the Tuxedo suite and plotted using R. The statistical significance of the changes in DRAIC expression was evaluated using a paired t-test. p=0.0158. (B). Kaplan–Meier plot of disease-free survival (DFS) of patient with prostate adenocarcinoma from the MSKCC dataset (18) stratified by level of DRAIC expression. In Log rank test p=0.018857. High: DRAIC level > +0.4z and Low: DRAIC level < +0.4z. (C and D) Kaplan–Meier plot of Overall survival (OS) (C) or Disease Free Survival (D) for indicated malignancies from TCGA (19,20) stratified by level of DRAIC expression. EXP: the DRAIC expression level z-score cut-off used for dividing high expressers from low expressers. n = number of patients in that group, M = median survival in months of that group. NA: not available.