G228A and G250A cooperate with the native ETS sites ETS-195 and ETS-200 and fall within spacing for GABP heterotetramer recruitment. (A) Distribution of motif separation in weak and strong GABP peaks. Vertical dotted lines denote periodicity of 10.5bp. Horizontal dashed line indicates the theoretical null distribution. (B) Native and de novo putative ETS-binding sites in the core TERT promoter. (C) Site-directed mutagenesis of the GABP heterotetramer motifs in the wild-type, G228A, G250A, or insertion TERT reporter constructs. Mutation of the ETS-195, ETS-294, or junction motif are indicated by ‘+’. The results are an average of at least 3 independent experiments. Values are mean ± sd * P <0.05, Student’s t-test. (D) Site-directed mutagenesis deleting between 2 to 16 base pairs at the G228A site. Deletions were tested for promoter activity in a G250A or G250A+G201T background. The sinusoidal fits were obtained by using the model a sin(2π(x − b)/10.5) + cx + d. The results are an average of at least 3 independent experiments. Values are mean ± sd.