Fig. 1.
Multiplex PCR assay of non typhoid salmonella (NTS) isolates targeting pefA and kpnl genes. NTS isolates obtained from poultry and their products were subjected to multiplex PCR targeting a conserved region of the fimbrial virulence gene (pefA) and kpnl gene to distinguish between S. Typhimurium and S. Enteritidis. Lanes 1–3 Salmonella isolates (S759, S 791 and S828) showing a single PCR product of 497 bp was confirmed as S. Enteritidis. Lanes 4, 5 Salmonella isolates (S931 and S932) showing two distinct bands of 363 and 497 bp were confirmed as S. Typhimurium. Lane M 250 bp DNA ladder