Figure 7.
In this example we show how local activity at cortical point-1 affects activity at a the more distal point-3 as inhibition strength at that point is reduced. The coupling strength between the two points was set to we, 31 = wi, 31 = 0.02 and we, 13 = wi, 13 = 0.02. In this condition, with the strength of the local feedback inhibition set at a value qei = −1.85, inputs from point-1 have a minimal effect on the output of point-3 (blue line). As qei is reduced at point-3, the firing rate gain of this point is increased. Note, however, that the value of qii was not changed. As explained in the text, functional coupling of two points by focal disinhibition only works when qei and qii are changed differentially, not in proportion.