Figure 3. Sudan Black B staining of anthers of the 1355B and1355A plants.
The black staining signals indicate the lipid accumulation. (A) and (E) The non-stained anthers of the 1355B (A) and 1355A (E) plants at stage 8 are the negative signals. (B) and (F) The stained anthers of the 1355B (B) and 1355A (F) plants at stage 7. (C) and (G) The stained anthers of the 1355B (C) and 1355A (G) plants at stage 8. (D) and (H) The stained anthers of the 1355B (D) and 1355A (H) plants at stage 9. T, tapetal layer; Tds, tetrads; Msp, microspores; DMsp, degenerated microspores; Bars = 50 μm.