Figure 4.
SRBCs flow around corners. (a) (Triangle symbols) Individual trajectories of SRBC. (Red streamlines) SRBC flow field computed by particle image velocimetry. The SRBC flow field contracts at the rear of the pillar compared to the creeping flow of a Newtonian fluid (white streamlines). (b) Simulation of deformable two-dimensional capsules flowing around a corner: the distance d of a capsule to the pillar wall, normalized by the capsule characteristic size R, is represented over time. The comparison between the trajectory of a single capsule (black curve) and trajectories of two consecutive capsules (red and blue curves), points out multibody effects: in the displayed case, consecutive capsules flow closer to the corner wall than a single capsule. Moreover, when two consecutive capsules flow around the corner, the second capsule may push the first one closer to the wall at the corner (inset 2 b) and at the rear (inset 2 d), as in the simulation shown here. (c) Simulation of deformable two-dimensional capsules flowing along a flat wall in a Couette flow: same legend as (b). To see this figure in color, go online.