Table 1.
A list of high-throughput technologies and the data they generated, with representative databases
Biotechnologies | Experimental data | Representative databases |
DNA-seq, NGS | DNA sequences, exome sequences, genomes, genes | GenBank109, DDBJ110, Ensembl111 |
Microarray, RNA-seq | Gene expression levels, microRNA levels, transcripts | GEO112, Expression Atlas113 |
MS, iTRAQ | Protein concentration, phosphorylations | GPMdb, PRIDE, Human Protein Atlas22 |
C-MS, GC-MS, NMR | Metabolite levels | HMDB, GMD |
ChIP-chip, ChIP-seq | Protein-DNA interactions, transcript factor binding sites | GEO112, TRANSFAC, JASPAR, ENCODE, modENCODE |
CLIP-seq, PAR-CLIP, iCLIP | MicroRNA-mRNA regulations | StarBase114, miRTarBase |
Y2H, AP/MS, MaMTH, maPPIT | Protein-protein interactions | HPRD115, BioGRID116, DIP, IntAct, and MINT, CCSB interactome database |
Protein microarray | Kinase–substrate interactions | RegPhos, PhosphoPOINT |
SGA, E-MAP, RNAi | Genetic interactions | HPRD115, BioGRID116 |
SNP genotyping array | GWAS loci, eQTL, aberrant SNPs | GWAS Catalog, GWASdb, GTEx, dbGAP, dbSNP HGMD |
LUMIER, data integration | Signaling pathways, metabolic pathways, molecular signatures | KEGG, ConsensusPathDB, BioCart, Pathway Commons, MSigDB, Reactome, BiGG |