Disseminated disease after morcellation of uterine sarcomas
Author | Year published |
Study years | n | Cases of sarcoma, n |
Cases of documented dissemination on reexploration |
Einstein et al18 | 2008 | 2000–2006 | — | 17a | 2 |
Seidman et al14 | 2012 | 2005–2010 | 1091 | 7 | 4 |
Oduyebo et al19 | 2014 | 2005–2012 | — | 15b | 3 |
Of 17 cases, 13 women underwent reexploratory surgery;
Of 15 cases, 11 women underwent reexploratory surgery.
Liu. Critical assessment of morcellation. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015.