Fig. 6.
Motility of A. baumannii ATCC 17978, 17978hm, and transposon insertion mutants cpdA::Tn, A1S_0112::Tn and A1S_0115::Tn. Overnight grown bacterial cells were used to inoculate Luria-Bertani media containing 0.25 % agar; plates were grown overnight at 37 °C. The A1S_0115::Tn, A1S_0115(0115) and A1S_0115(1266) transposon mutant strains and the A1S_0112::Tn, A1S_0112::Tn(0112) and A1S_0112::Tn(1266) transposon mutant strains only show growth at the initial inoculum site at the centre of the plate giving a non-motile phenotype. However, the cpdA::Tn, cpdA::Tn(0249) and cpdA::Tn(1266) transposon mutant strains retained motility. The complemented strain cpdA::Tn(0249) displayed a motility pattern almost identical to the 17978hm parent, whereas cpdA::Tn and cpdA::Tn(1266) displayed a “spoke-like” motility pattern. ATCC 17978 is included as a control displaying a non-motile phenotype