Salicylates and a specific COX-2 inhibitor II decrease VS cell viability but do not affect proliferation of normal Schwann cells. A. Quantification of proliferation changes after treatment with COX-2 inhibitor II (n=5 different cultures). Error bars represent SD. B. MTT assays of cell viability after treatment of GAN cells and VS cells with 2 mM aspirin, 2 mM NaSal, 2 mM 5-ASA, and 10 μM COX-2 inhibitor II (5-6 different wells from 3 different samples for each treatment). Error bar represent standard deviation. There is no error bar associated with NT because it was set to 100% for every comparison of non-treated VS and GAN cells. C. Secreted PTG levels in VS culture media after treatment for NT, 1 mM and 5 mM aspirin, and 5 mM NaSal (n=3-4 different cultures). Error bars represent SD. D. Quantification of proliferation changes after treatment with aspirin, NaSal and 5-ASA in primary SCs normalized to proliferation in NT cells (n=3-4 different cultures). Error bars represent SEM. *p<0.05. **p<0.01. ***p<0.001. re = in comparison to.