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. 2015 Apr 8;14(6):1546–1555. doi: 10.1074/mcp.M114.047621

Table I. Circulating human Oc fragments observed by MSIA in 130 samples from studies A–C.

Truncated Peptide (Descending MW) Designation in Fig. 1 aMALDI Obs. MH+Avg Calc. MH+Avg aESI Obs. MH+Mono Calc. MH+Mono bFractional Abundance (S.D.)
Y[1–49]V A 5798.4 5798.5 5794.65 5794.75 48.9 (9.9)
Y[1–48]P B 5699.7 5699.3 5695.48 5695.68 4.6 (1.1)
L[2–49]V C 5635.4 5635.3 5631.50 5631.68 3.6 (0.9)
Y[3–49]V D 5522.5 5522.1 5518.46 5518.60 17.1 (4.2)
Y[3–48]P E 5423.8 5423 5419.46 5419.53 4.7 (1.5)
cpE[4–49]V F 5342.4 5342 5338.53 5338.52 11.4 (3.9)
pE[4–48]P G 5242.3 5242.8 5239.35 5239.47 1.1 (0.5)
d W[5–49]V H 5230.6 5230.8 5227.48 5227.48 1.6 (0.7)
W[5–48]P I 5131.4 5131.7 5128.36 5128.41 1.7 (0.8)
G[7–49]V J 4930.6 4931.5 eN.O. 4928.31 1.2 (1.0)
Y[1–42]Y K 4921.4 4922.4 N.O. 4919.27 0.3 (0.5)
fA[8–49]V L 4873.5 4874.4 N.O. 4871.29 2.3 (2.4)
Y[1–41]A or L[2–42]Y M 4758.1 4759.3 N.O. 4756.21 1.5 (1.3)

a For MALDI spectra MH+ designates the intact, protonated gas phase ion analyzed by the mass spectrometer. For ESI spectra it represents the charge state-deconvoluted mass of the protonated molecule. Since protein isotopes are not resolved by MALDI-MS, MH+Avg refers to the average molecular mass (in Da). Since protein isotopes are resolved by ESI-MS, MH+mono refers to the monoisotopic molecular mass (in Da). Observed mass values were taken from representative individual spectra. Multiple γ-carboxylated forms of each species were also observed by ESI.

b Fractional abundance as determined by MALDI-MSIA (which includes, but does not discriminate between all Gla-containing proteoforms); expressed as average percentage ± S.D. for all samples in Supplemental Fig. 5b (n = 130).

c pE = Pyroglutamic acid, formed spontaneously when Q was at the N-terminus.

d Previously observed as a product of MMP -1, -2, and -8 digestion of human Oc (41).

e N.O. indicates fragment not observed.

f Previously observed in bovine serum (42) and as a product of cathepsin digest (43).