Figure 4. Orientation and structural information from the interface between the matrix and the metal carbide particle.
(a,b) show the 3D reciprocal lattice reconstruction for the metal carbide and matrix, respectively, projected parallel to the normal of the large facet of the carbide particle, approximately the orientation seen in Fig. 2a. (c,d) show the corresponding 2D autocorrelations of these two projections, to highlight the periodicity and enable easier indexing. A pole figure for the metal carbide () planes is shown in (e) and the (
) planes of the matrix γ-phase is shown in (f). A schematic representation is shown in (g) of the final atomic layer in the carbide (111) plane in blue and the first layer of the (
) plane of the γ-phase in orange, along with the traces of planes indicative of the interface relationship. In (h) the atomic positions of the γ-phase have been relaxed to accommodate a biaxial strain of 7.5% in the [
] direction and 5% in the [462] direction. The squares indicate part of a coincident site lattice (CSL) at the matrix/carbide interface.