Effect of previous fixation on the log odds ratio of refixation for target and distractor faces. A. Main effect of previous fixation with respect to eccentricity for individual subjects (gray and dotted lines) and the group average ± 2 SEM (thick black lines). B. Effect of previous fixation ± 2 SEM separated by category: target (gray) and distractor (black). C,D. Previous fixation effect within the target (C) and distractor (D) categories broken down by visual field and hemi-field contrasts below. The effect for target faces is characterized by RVF lateralized facilitation of return, whereas return to distractors is inhibited in both fields. Color scale shows log odds ratio thresholded at FDR≥ .1 and contours show FDR significance thresholds of .1, .05, .01, and .001.