One tumor cell line that exhibited the greatest fold-change in cell survival due to co-culturing (Bxpc3, H596 and BT20) and one cell line that did not exhibit an increase in survival upon co-culture with MRC5 cells from each cancer type (Suit2, H1993 and SKBR3) were co-cultured with corresponding primary TAFs (129A, lung TAFs and or 161A, breast TAFs) or organs-specific fibroblasts (LT2, pancreatic fibroblasts) for 5 days followed by measurement of cell viability on day 5 using CellTiterGlo. All three cell lines that exhibited a significant increase in cell survival upon co-culturing with MRC5 fibroblasts (Bxpc3, H596 and BT20) also exhibited increased survival in co-culture with TAFs, whereas the cell lines that did not exhibit increased survival in co-culture with MRC5 (Suit2, H1993 and SKBR3) retained their proliferative properties even upon co-culturing with TAFs.