Figure 2.
Place Fields Are More Stable Close to Environmental Walls in Pre-weanling Pups
(A) Mean within-trial stability (± SEM) of place cells with peak firing locations in the edge and center zones of the environment.
(B) False-color firing rate maps from representative example place cells showing within-trial stability at P16, P22, and adult. Within each age group, the maps show, from left to right, the whole recording session, the first half of the session, and the second half of the session for place fields with firing peaks located close (top) or far (bottom) from a wall (stability values for examples lie within SD of the mean of the respective population).
(C) Scatterplots of within-trial stability versus distance from the peak to the nearest wall with linear regression lines of best fit. Solid black lines are significant at the p < 0.05 level, and r2 and p for regression are shown above the plots.
(D) Mean across-trial stability (± SEM) of place fields with peak firing locations in the edge and center zones.
(E) Firing rate maps showing example across-trial stability at P16, P22, and adult. Within age groups, the left and right columns show two recording sessions separated by 15 min.
(F) Scatterplots of across-trial stability versus distance to wall with lines of best fit. Solid black lines are significant at the p < 0.05 level, and r2 and p for regression are shown above the plots.