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. 2015 Jun;16(3):141–158. doi: 10.2174/1389202916666150303232520

Table 7.

List of genes with potential relevance for TOF and HLHS.

Gene Chromosome OMIM Cellular Function Related Human Diseases and Known Cardiac Phenotypes Reference
Tetrralogy of Fallot
BARX1 9q22.32 603260 transcription factor   [40]
FOXK1 7p22.1 no entry transcription factor   [40]
HAND2 4q34.1 602407 transcription factor   [50]
CNOT6 5q35.3 608951 transcriptional regulation   [50]
A2BP1 16p13.3 605104 transcriptional regulation   [76, 81]
TCEB3 1p36.1 600786 transcriptional regulation   [40]
PTPN11 12q24 176876 modulation of Ras/MAPK signaling Noonan syndrome, Leopard syndrome [33, 34]
GPC5 13q32 602446 modulation of Wnt, Hedgehog, FGF, and BMP signaling acquired nephrotic syndrome, Hurler syndrome, Hunter syndrome [33]
NRP1 10p12 602069 modulation of VEGF signaling Kallmann syndrome [33]
SEMA3E 7q21.11 608166 modulation of NOTCH pathway CHARGE syndrome [48]
BCL9 1q21.2 602597 modulation of Wnt signaling B cell malignancies [49]
TP53BP2 1q41 602143 cell communication   [40]
WBSCR16 7q11.23 no entry cell communication Williams Beuren syndrome [40]
SNIP 17q12 610786 cell communication   [76]
BRDG1 4q13.2 604298 cell communication   [76]
VEGF 6p21.1 192240 cell communication Susceptibility to atherosclerosis and diabetic retinopathy [81, 82]
NPPA 1p36.21 108780 cell communication atrial fibrillation, atrial standstill [81]
NPPB 1p36.22 600295 cell communication   [81]
SST 3q27.3 182450 cell communication   [84]
PPBP 4q13,3 121010 cell communication   [84]
NRGN 11q24.2 602350 cell communication   [84]
MYOM2 8p23.3 603509 cell growth and maintenance   [40]
EDIL3 5q14 606018 cell growth and maintenance Ankylosing spondylitis [50]
TEKT2 1p34.3 608953 cell growth and/or maintenance   [76]
MYL2 12q24.11 160781 cell growth and/or maintenance familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy [84]
NEFH 22q12.2 162230 cell growth and/or maintenance amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [84]
KRT6A 12q13.3 148041 cell growth and/or maintenance Pachyonychia congenita [84]
KRT7 12q13.3 148059 cell growth and/or maintenance   [84]
BCCIP 10q26.1 611883 cell cycle control   [40]
DAG1 3p21.31 128239 cell adhesion Muscular dystrophy [40]
KIAA1437 9q34.11 608360 cell adhesion Agammaglobulinemia [76]
GJA5 1q21.1 121013 gap junction atrial fibrillation [48, 49], [50, 57]
ROCK1 18q11.1 601702 Ser/Thr kinase   [40]
Tetrralogy of Fallot
STK33 11p15.3 607670 Ser/Thr kinase   [76]
NTRK2 9q22.1 600456 Tyr kinase hyperphagia, and developmental delay [84]
PRKAB2 1q21.1 602741 AMP-activated protein kinase subunit   [49]
PEX6 6p21.1 601498 ATPase activity Peroxisome biogenesis disorder [40]
FANCL 2p16.1 608111 ligase activity Fanconi anemia [40]
FANCM 14q21.1 609644 DNA repair Fanconi anemia [40]
CHD1L 1q21.1 613039 DNA repair   [49]
PLXNA2 1q32.2 601054 axon pathfinding cardiac hypertrophy [48]
SEMA3D 7q21.11 609907 development of peripheral axons Hirschsprung disease [48]
TTN 2q31.2 188840 muscle development Dilated cardiomyopathy, hereditary myopathy, tibial muscular dystrophy [40]
EDN1 6p24.1 131240 vasoconstriction Auriculocondylar syndrome [40]
HCN2 19p13.3 602781 ion channel Sinus dysrhytmia [40]
FMR1 Xq27.3 309550 mRNA trafficing Fragile X mental retardation, syndrome, ataxia syndrome [40]
APOC3 11q23.3 107720 transport activity Apolipoprotein C-III deficiency [84]
TF 3q22.1 190000 transport activity Atransferrinemia [84]
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
FOXC2 16q24.1 602402 transcription factor Lymphedema-distichiasis syndrome [69]
FOXL1 16q24.1 603252 transcription factorr   [69]
ZNF423 16q12 604557 transcription factor Joubert syndrome, Nephronophthisis [69]
CHD7 8q12.2 608892 transcriptional regulation CHARGE syndrome [71]
MXD1 2p13.3 600021 transcriptional regulation   [87]
KDM5B 1q32.1 605393 transcriptional regulation   [71]
CTHRC1 8q22.3 610635 modulation of Wnt pathway HELLP syndrome [59]
PLA2G12A 4q25 611652 modulation of BMP pathway   [59]
BMPR2 2q32-33 600799 modulation of BMP and TGFb signaling Pulmonary hypertension [69]
NOTCH1 9q34.3 190198 modulation of NOTCH signaling Aortic valve disease, Adams-Oliver syndrome [69]
NODAL 10q22.1 601265 modulation of NODAL pathway Heterotaxy, double-outlet right ventricle, transposition of the great arteries [70]
NOMO3 16p13 609159 modulation of NODAL pathway Heterotaxy [70]
SMAD2 18q21.1 601366 modulation of TGFb signaling Dextrocardia [71]
ANK1 8p11.1 612641 cell communication Spherocytosis [87]
PPFIA2 12q21.31 603143 cell communication   [87]
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
PMP22 17p12 601097 cell communication Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, Dejerine-Sottas disease, Neuropathy, Roussy-Levy syndrome [87]
SPTA1 1q32.1 182860 cell growth and/or maintenance Elliptocytosis, Pyropoikilocytosis, Spherocytosis [87]
CCNJ 10q23.33 no entry cell cycle control   [87]
MFAP4 17p11.2 600596 cell adhesion and interaction Smith Magenis syndrome [59]
MLL2 12q13.12 602113 histone methyltransferase Kabuki syndrome [71]
WDR5 9q34 609012 subunit of histone-methyltransferase complex   [71]
KDM5A 12p13.33 180202 histone demethylation   [71]
RNF20 9q31.1 607699 ubiquitination and methylation   [71]
USP44 12q22 610993 ubiquitination   [71]
UBE2B 5q31.1 179095 DNA repair   [71]
GYPB 4q31.21 111740 immune response susceptibility to malaria [87]
PLD6 17p11.2 no entry hydrolase activity   [87]
FUT8 14q24.3 602589 fucose transfer   [65]
CFC1 2q21.1 605194 patterning of right-left embryonic axis   [70]
GRM1 6q24.3 604473 transport activity autosomal recessive spinocerebellar ataxia [87]
CACNB2 10p12.31-33 600003 transport activity Brugada syndrome [87]