Predictor neurons. (A) Maximum efficiency as a function of the output firing rate, for 150 four-cell groups. Average over all groups is indicated by the dashed line; solid black line indicates perfect capture of all of the predictive information. (B) Efficiency of a perceptron rule relative to the best possible rule, for the same groups as in A. (C) The information that provides about the visual stimulus grows with the predictive information that it captures. Results shown are the means over all possible output rules, for 150 four-cell input groups; error bars indicate SDs across the groups. (D) Average velocity triggered on a spike of the predictor neuron for one four-cell group; light gray lines show the triggered averages for the input spikes; the predictor neuron selects for a long epoch of constant velocity. In A–C, Δt = 1/60 s; in D, Δt = 1/30 s.