high throughput screening methods |
microtiter plates |
<104/day |
applicable to many
assays |
laborious |
enzyme reactions leading
to change in color, fluorescence, pH, cell growth, etc. |
DI |
limited by transformation
efficiency |
high sensitivity |
not generally applicable |
restricted to colorimetric
activity assays |
up to 3 × 104/s23
high sensitivity and extremely
high throughput |
enzyme activity has
to be coupled with the expression level of fluorescent proteins |
enzyme reactions leading
to change in fluorescence |
cell surface
display |
limited by
efficiency |
possible cell lysis
during enzyme reaction |
protein expressed as fusion
proteins |
for bond-forming enzymes |
limited by the throughput
of the detection method (e.g., FACS) but not transformation efficiency |
high sensitivity and efficiency |
lack of posttranslational
modifications; not suitable for screening enzymes with incompatible
conditions between transcription-translation and screening |
screening enzymatic activities
combined with FACS |
limited by transformation
efficiency |
high sensitivity
and efficiency |
enzyme activity has
to be coupled with energy transfer between two fluorophores |
screening protease activity |
high throughput selection methods |
plasmid display |
limited by transformation
efficiency |
potential problems
of protein secretion, in vitro translation, and/or RNA instability |
protein expressed as fusion
proteins |
protein binders |
SNAP display |
limited to 109/(1 mL of emulsion)52
resolves proteins
with different
binding affinities; display multiple copies of a protein; selection
under harsh conditions |
weak binders can be lost
in SNAP monomer display; lack of posttranslational modifications |
selecting protein binders |
phage display |
limited by transformation
efficiency |
copies of proteins
can be displayed |
applicable to selecting
diverse enzyme properties; not suitable for selecting eukaryotic proteins;
protein expressed as fusion proteins |
extremely efficient in affinity-based
selections |
display |
limited by
efficiency |
folding of eukaryotic
proteins; allows posttranslational modifications |
protein expressed as fusion
proteins |
eukaryotic proteins |
mRNA display
and ribosome display |
not limited by transformation
efficiency |
the incompatible
conditions between in vitro transcription and translation |
mRNA instability; lack of
posttranslational modifications; protein expressed as fusion proteins |
selecting protein binders,
high affinity antibodies, and catalytic enzymes |
growth complementation |
limited by transformation
efficiency |
to select enzymes
with diverse properties |
selection method needs to
be individualized |
selecting enzyme properties
that can be coupled to host fitness |
reporter-based selection |
limited by transformation
efficiency |
to select enzymes
with diverse properties |
reporter needs to be constructed
individually according to properties of selected enzyme |
selecting enzymes that produce
transcription regulation molecules |
not limited by transformation
efficiency |
high sensitivity
variants without target enzyme activity |
lack of posttranslational
modifications; further screening is needed for identification variants
with high enzyme activity75
restricted to selecting
enzymes that act on DNA |