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. 2014 Dec 4;28(12):1371–1386. doi: 10.1002/2014GB004844

Table 4.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Methane (CH4) Fluxes From Tropical Wetlands Showing the Mean Fluxesa and (Ranges) if Available

Location Type Soil Type CO2 Efflux
(mg m−2 h−1)
CH4 Efflux
(mg m−2 h−1)
Kalimantan, Indonesia Forested peatland Organic na 1.1 ± 0.61 Inubushi et al. [1998]
Kalimantan, Indonesia Secondary forest Organic 501 ± 180 (146–843) 0.18 ± 0.06 (0–1) Inubushi et al. [2003]
Kalimantan, Indonesia Forested peatland Organic 317–950 na Hirano et al. [2009]
Kalimantan, Indonesia Secondary forest Organic 513 0.19 Hadi et al. [2001]
Kalimantan, Indonesia Secondary forest Organic 395 (183–4055) 0.50 (0–3.33) Hadi et al. [2005]
Kalimantan, Indonesia Forested peatland Organic 399 ± 36 (50–550) 0.16 ± 0.65 (−0.1–0.35) Jauhiainen et al. [2005]
Kalimantan, Indonesia Forested peatland Organic 563 (79–1580) na Sundari et al. (2012)
Sumatra, Indonesia Forested peatland Organic 380 ± 55 0.89 ± 0.48 Furukawa et al. [2005]
Sumatra, Indonesia Forested peatland Organic 278 ± 16 1.21 ± 1.36 Furukawa et al. [2005]
Sumatra, Indonesia Forested peatland Organic 376 ± 107 0.77 ± 0.27 Furukawa et al. [2005]
Malaysia Forested peatland Organic 905 (366–1953) na Melling et al. [2005a]
Malaysia Forested peatland Organic na 0.0029 (−0.006–0.011) Melling et al. [2005b]
Malaysia Forested peatland Organic 444 Murayama and Bakar [1996]
Thailand Forest peatland Organic na 1.12 ± 2.7 (0.19–12.6) Ueda et al. [2000]
Micronesia Forested peatland Organic 396 ± 36 (340–402) na Chimner [2004]
Mauim, Hawaii Montane peatland Organic 285 ± 75 Chimner [2004]
Bocas del Toro, Panama Forested peatland Organic 212 (11–1694) 23 (−5.35–143) Wright et al. [2011]
Bocas del Toro, Panama Forested peatland Organic 238 (62–801) 17 (−3.53–98.3) Wright et al. [2011]
Bocas del Toro, Panama Open peatland Organic 259 (7–950) 31 (−6.40–7.88) Wright et al. [2011]
Colon, Panama Forested peatland Organic na 14.4 (0–48) Keller [1990]
Kalimantan, Indonesia Forested peatland Organic na Pangala et al. [2013]
Ka'au, Hawaii Montane swamp Organic 127 ± 47 na Chimner [2004]
Orinoco Llanos, Venezuela Palm swamp Organic 30 (17–54) na Bracho and San José [1990]
Sumatra, Indonesia Forested floodplain Mineral 410 ± 35 na Ali et al. [2006]
Sumatra, Indonesia Forested floodplain Mineral 884 ± 212 na Ali et al. [2006]
Ka'au crater, Hawaii Forested floodplain Mineral na 5.25 ± 0.42 (2.08–14.17) Grand and Gaidos [2010]
La Selva, Costa Rica Flooded forest Mineral na 23.3 ± 14.6 Nahlik and Mitsch [2011]
La Selva, Costa Rica Flooded forest Mineral na 40.4 ± 13.1 Nahlik and Mitsch [2011]
Earth wetlands, Costa Rica Secondary forest Mineral na 5.7 ± 1.4 Nahlik and Mitsch [2011]
Earth wetlands, Costa Rica Secondary forest Mineral na 4.5 ± 0.78 Nahlik and Mitsch [2011]
Orinoco, Venezuela Forested floodplain Mineral na 4.6 Smith et al. [2000]
Orinoco, Venezuela Forested floodplain Mineral na 10.7 (0–78) Smith and Lewis [1992]
Orinoco, Venezuela Forested floodplain Mineral na 12.8 (0.125–95.3) Smith and Lewis [1992]
Orinoco, Venezuela Forested floodplain Mineral na 7.27 (0–68.7) Smith and Lewis [1992]
Orinoco, Venezuela Forested floodplain Mineral na 10.3 (0–114) Smith and Lewis [1992]
Amazon river, Brazil Forested floodplain Mineral na 4.6 (0.24-31.7) Devol et al. [1988]
Amazon river, Brazil Forested floodplain Mineral na 1.88 (0–8.33) Wassmann et al. [1992]
Amazon river, Brazil Forested floodplain Mineral na 2.29 ± 0.54 (0.014–47.3) Devol et al. [1990]
Amazon river, Brazil Forested floodplain Mineral na 8 ± 1.12 Bartlett et al. [1988]
Amazon river, Brazil Forested floodplain Mineral na 5.25 ± 0.83 Bartlett et al. [1990]
Amazon river, Brazil Forested floodplain Mineral 237 0.1 Richey et al. [1988]
Amazon river, Brazil Forested floodplain Mineral 36 7.5 Richey et al. [1988]
Itu, Negro river, Brazil Forested interfluvial wetland Mineral 375 1.9 Belger et al. [2011]
Araca, Negro river, Brazil Forested interfluvial wetland Mineral 583 2.5 Belger et al. [2011]
Pantanal, Brazil Floodplain Mineral na 5.9 ± 13.1 (0.042–91.1) Marani and Alvala [2007]
Pantanal, Brazil Floodplain Mineral 554 5.8 Hamilton et al. [1995]
Pantanal, Brazil Floodplain Mineral 444 2.9 Hamilton et al. [1995]
Pantanal, Brazil Floodplain Mineral 507 2.9 Hamilton et al. [1995]
Pantanal, Brazil Floodplain Mineral 317 8.6 Hamilton et al. [1995]
Pantanal, Brazil Floodplain Mineral 364 8.6 Hamilton et al. [1995]
Pantanal, Brazil Floodplain Mineral 428 11.5272 Hamilton et al. [1995]
Pantanal, Brazil Floodplain Mineral 586 11.5 Hamilton et al. [1995]
Pantanal, Brazil Floodplain Mineral 1062 17.3 Hamilton et al. [1995]
Congo river basin, Congo Flooded forest Mineral na 4.41 Tathy et al. [1992]

Error is standard deviation. As the fluxes reported here are from studies extending over different time periods, they should be used for indicative purposes to illustrate the range of fluxes in tropical wetlands. The forested tropical wetlands shown in the table were not managed. Positive fluxes represent a release of CO2 or CH4 from the peat, and negative CH4 fluxes indicate CH4 oxidation in the peat. na, not available.