Figure 5.
A, Graphical representation of anterograde movement of three representative vesicles at 48 hrs. The Y-axis represent the distance of the vesicle from its initial location. The X-axis represents the time of the movie. In some cases the acquisition interval was less than 60 sec because the vesicle move outside of the imaged region.
B, Barplot of average max run-length (the longest distance traveled by vesicles between two pauses) in anterograde direction at 24 hrs. Control (n = 18); Mibolerone 4nM (n = 26); Mibolerone 10nM (n = 28). **p< 0.01 vs. Mibolerone 10nM; *p < 0.05 vs. Mibolerone 10nM.
C, Barplot of average max run-length in anterograde direction at 48 hrs. Ctrl (n = 16); Mibolerone 4nM (n = 17); Mibolerone 10nM (n = 35). *p < 0.05 vs. Mibolerone 10nM. Ctrl = Control; M 4nM = Mibolerone 4nM; M 10nM = Mibolerone 10nM.