Table 2.
Measure | Cronbach’s α | Respondent | Sample Question | Responses |
Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support | α = 0.93 | Caregiver | “I get the emotional help and support I need from my family.” | Very Strongly Disagree; Strongly Disagree; Mildly Disagree; Neutral; Mildly Agree; Strongly Agree; Very Strongly Agree |
Hispanic Stress Inventory | α = 0.80 | Caregiver | “My income has not been sufficient to support my family or myself.” | Yes; No |
Parent Relationship with Peer Group Scale | α = 0.86 | Caregiver | “How often during a typical week do you supervise your child and his/her best friends spending time together?” | Not at all; A little bit; Somewhat often; Pretty often; Extremely often |
Parenting Practices Scale | α = 0.79 (Positive parenting) | Adolescent | “When you have done something that your parents like or approve of, how often does your mother give you a wink or a smile?” | Never; Hardly ever; Sometimes; Most of the time; Always |
α = 0.87 (Parental Involvement) | Caregiver | “How often did your mom talk with you about what you had actually done during the day?” | This is certainly not true;……; This is certainly true | |
α = 0.84 (Parental School Involvement) | “If there are problems with my child, I initiate contact with the teacher.” | |||
School Climate -- School Bonding subscale | α = 0.76 | Adolescent | “I feel safe at my school” | Not at all true; Not really true; Somewhat True; Very true; |
Family Communication Scale | α = 0.72 | Adolescent | “My family and I have the same views about what is right and wrong.” | Not at all true; Hardly ever true; True a lot; Almost always or always true; |
Parent-Adolescent Communication Scale | α = 0.90 | Adolescent | “I can discuss my beliefs with my mother without feeling restrained or embarrassed.” | Strongly disagree; Disagree; Agree; Strongly Agree; |
Perceived peer norms of substance use | α = 0.79 | Adolescent | “If your friends found out that you drank sometimes, how do you think they'd feel? | They would approve; They wouldn't care; They would disapprove but still be my friends; They would disapprove and stop being my friends; |
Psychological Sense of School Membership | α = 0.86 | Adolescent | “I can really be myself at this school.” | Not at all true; ……; Completely True |
Initiation of Substance Use -- Monitoring the Future adaptation | Adolescent | “Have you ever smoked cigarettes?” “Have you ever had any beer, wine, wine coolers, or liquor to drink- more than just a few sips?” “Have you ever used drugs?” “Have you ever, even once, taken a prescription drug without a prescription or taken more than what was prescribed?” |
Yes; No |