Name and Location | Acronym | Year Established | Review Structure |
Bronx Community Research Review Board, Bronx, NY | BxCRRB | 2010 | Research review and advisory board |
Center for Community Health Education Research and Service, Inc., Boston, MA | CCHERS | 2004 | Research review committee |
Community Ethical Review Board, WE ACT for Environmental Justice, Inc., Harlem, NY | CERB | In development | Emerging research review committee |
Community Research Advisory Board, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA | CRAB | 2001 | University-based research review committee |
Galveston Island Community Research Advisory Committee, Galveston Island, TX | GICRAC | 2005 | Grassroots research advisory committee |
Hispanic Health Council, Hartford, CT | HHC | 2000 | IRB |
North Carolina American Indian Health Board, Winston-Salem, NC | NCAIHB | 2009 | State-wide research review committee |
Papa Ola Lokahi, Honolulu, HI | POL-IRB | 1999 | IRB |
Special Service for Groups, Los Angeles CA | SSG | 2004 | IRB |
Note. IRB = institutional review board.