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. 2015 Jul;105(7):1489–1494. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2015.302582


Weather Conditions Most Likely to Alter Adults' Daily Activities: University of Michigan–Thomson Reuters Surveys of Consumers, United States, 2013

Weather Condition Total Sample (Unweighted n = 502), % Aged < 65 Years (Unweighted n = 320), % Aged ≥ 65 Years (Unweighted n = 182), %
 Cold 11.76 11.86 11.53
 Snow 21.71 22.82 19.32
 Ice 46.51 44.37 51.14
 Rain 9.96 11.26 7.14
 Fog 4.11 5.11 1.95
 Wind 2.67 2.63 2.76
 None 3.29 1.95 6.17
 Heat 22.60 19.97* 28.18*
 Humidity 12.54 11.92 13.85
 Air quality (ozone day) 4.54 5.24 3.06
 Rain/thunderstorm 55.16 58.47* 48.15*
 Tornado/hurricane 0.83 0.84 0.81
 None 4.33 3.57 5.96

Note. Percentages are weighted to represent the US population.

*P < .05 for differences between age groups.