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. 2015 Jun 11;3:155. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2015.00155

Table 3.

Summary of reasons to file a formal complaint of immigration-related mistreatment among Arizona and transnational farmworkers of Mexican descent.

Illustrative quotes
Arizona farmworkers Transnational farmworkers
Prevention of future mistreatment
Prevent the abuse of others Para evitar que vuelva a pasar una injusticia/to prevent an injustice from happening again Para que ya no sigan abusando ni maltratando las personas/so they stop mistreating the people
Receive better treatment Para evitar las injusticias para que no les pase lo mismo/to prevent injustice from happening so it does not happen
Para prevenir maltratos en el future/to prevent future abuse
Para que no nos sigan tratando mal a las personas/so they (immigration officals) will stop mistreating people
Para tener un mejor trato!/to be treated better!
Para ayudar a parar la discriminacion/To help stop discrimination
Para que nos trate mejor y seamos escuchados/so we are treated better and they listen to us
Raise awareness of immigration-related mistreatment Para dar a saber las cosas que estan pasando/to make people aware of things that are occurring
De esa forma dariamos a saber el maltrato que se les da a las personas/through this (formal complaint) we make known the mistreatment that they (immigration officials) enact on the people
Para que se enteren los superiores de lo que esta pasando/so that the leadership or supervisors (immigration officals) know what is occurring
Para evitar las malos frutos/to eliminate the bad apples (immigration officals)
Para que las autoridades mas altas se den cuenta de las injusticias que cometen/as so the upper level immigration officals understand the injustices that are being committed
Encourage corrective action Para que un oficial abusivo sea castigado/so an abusive officer will be punished
Para correjir el maltrato de los oficiales/to correct the abusive behavior of the officers
No deben permitir que se maltrate a las personas/maltreatment should not permitted
Para evitar las malos frutos/to remove the bad apples (immigration officials)
Eliminate systems of discrimination Para componer el sistema/to fix the system
Para que no nos descriminen/so they (immigration officals) will stop discriminating us
Para que haiga mas democracia en este lugar/so there is more democracy in this place’
Para que se acabe toda la discriminacion/to stop the discrimination
Porque estan legales/because they [people being mistreated] are “legal” (authorized to be in the US)
Por injusticias por descriminacion/because of injustice and because of discrimination
Si no comete uno algo malo, no tienen por que tratarnos mal/if you have not done anything wrong then they (immigration officials) have no reason to treat you badly
Todas somas iguales; debemos ser tratados por igual/we are all equal and should be treated equally
Protection and well-being
Recognition of rights Porque tenemos derechos si tengamos documentos o no/because we have rights, whether we have papers (US citizenship or legal permanent residency documents) or not
Porque somos personas igual que ellos/because we are people just like them (immigration officials)
Porque roban a la gente de sus derechos/because they (immigration officials) rob the people of their rights
Tenemos los mismos derechos que un ciudadano/because we have the same rights as a US citizen
Todos somos legales somos humanos con los mismos derechos/because we are all authorized to be in the US with same rights (as any US citizen)
Porque nadie tiene derecho de maltratarte/because no one has the right to mistreat you
Tenemos derechos y hay que reclamarlos/we have rights and we must reclaim these rights
Por el humanismo; por que no debe haber injusticias/because of humanism, because there should not be such injustices
Somos person/as y tambien tenemos derecho/we are people and we also have rights
Well-being of the individual and the collective community Por el propio bien de uno/for ones own good Por el bien de nosotros mismos/for the good of all of us
Individual and community resistance Para que nos escuchen y no se nos siga ignorando/so they (immigration authority) listen to us and stop ignoring us)
Para que nos respecten mas; y debemos defender nuestros derechos/so they (immigration authorities) respect us and we should defend out rights
Deberiamos hablar para defender nuestros derechos; no ser atropellados/we should speak up to defend our rights, and not be overtaken
Para que sepan que la gente sabe sus derechos/so they (immigration authority) know that the people know their rights
Por que debemos quejarnos, todos somos iguales/because we should complain, because we are all equal
Mistreatment and abuse
Es algo illegal si se debe reporter/its illegal (mistreatment) and it should be reported Abuso de autoridad/abuse of power
Porque en ocaciones abusan de las personas y los intimidan/because on occasions immigration officials abuse the people and intimidate them Por violencia, abusos verbales,falta de respeto, abuso fisico/because of violence, verbal abuse, lack of respect, and physical abuse