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. 2015 May 31;17(5):e19000. doi: 10.5812/ircmj.17(5)2015.19000

Table 3. Comparing the Organizational Climate in the Studied Affiliated Hospitals to Tehran University of Medical Science That Performed and Did not Perform the Organizational Excellence plan in 2013 (n = 248)a.

Hospitals The Organization’s Excellence Plan
Organizational Climate Not-Performed Performed
Weak (lower than 60) 72 (57.6) 41 (33.3)
Relatively Weak (between 60 - 69) 15 (12) 22 (17.9)
Medium (between 70-79) 17 (13.6) 33 (26.8)
Good (between 80-89) 9 (7.2) 12 (9.8)
Excellent (between 90-100) 9 (7.2) 12 (9.8)
Total 125 (100) 123 (100)
X ± SD 56.42 ± 21.36 65.28 ± 19.31
Independent T-Test T = 3.418; P = 0.001; df = 246

aData are presented as No. or No. (%) or mean ± SD.