Figure 2.
SDR prior to TMEV infection exacerbated body weight loss and anhedonia. Panel A. Infection resulted in a significant reduction in body weight at day 1 post-infection (denoted by asterisk). SDR exposure prior to TMEV infection exacerbated body weight loss on day 1 post-infection (significant difference between NON-SDR/Infected and SDR/Infected conditions denoted by asterisk). The SDR/Infected condition exhibited greater reduction in body weight (-1.8 g, 10.1%) than NON-SDR/Infected (-0.676, g, 3.1%), NON-SDR/Uninfected (-.258 g, 1.6%) and SDR/Uninfected (-0.225 g, 1.4%) conditions. Panel B. Sucrose preference was reduced as a result of infection (asterisk denotes significant difference). SDR/Infected mice consumed significantly less sucrose compared to all other conditions (denoted by asterisk). The horizontal line indicates the minimum sucrose consumption indicative of sucrose preference.