Figure 2. Suppression of archaerhodopsin-expressing interneurons with light.
(A) Normalized average response rates upon illuminating PV+ interneurons expressing GFP or PV+, SST+ or VIP+ interneurons expressing Arch. (B) Illuminating PV+ interneurons expressing Arch with 1.5-5 mW does not saturate responses as they are increased further by 5-9 mW light (High). (C) Average contralateral- and ipsilateral-eye contrast response curves do not show saturation when PV+ interneurons are optogenetically suppressed. (D-F) Sample contrast-response curves of single units upon suppression if PV+ (D), SST+ (E) or VIP+ (F) interneurons. Black and grey lines depict fitting curves for non-suppressed and suppressed conditions, respectively. Horizontal black and grey dashed lines represent spontaneous rates for light off and light on conditions, respectively. (G-I) Changes in firing rate of single units at different depths in suppressed versus non-suppressed conditions, shown as a histogram (top) and dot plot (bottom) for mice expressing Arch in PV+ (G), SST+ (H) and VIP+ (I) interneurons. Color represents neurons whose contrast-response curve is significantly altered (Friedman, p<0.05) while grey represents neurons whose responses are not significantly altered. * p<0.05, *** p<0.001. Arrowheads indicate neurons whose contrast-response curves are shown in D-F. Results expressed as mean ± SEM.