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. 2015 May 29;6:23. doi: 10.1186/s13227-015-0017-3

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5

The rhopalar arm endoderm of Aurelia ephyrae shares a set of marker genes with Clytia radial tubes. a, b Oral view on a polyp. Aa-bmp5/8 expression in eight tentacle bases. c, d Lateral view on the polyp tentacles (arrowhead, pol tb. e, f) Young strobila during outgrowth of the ephyral rhopalar arms. Bmp-5/8 expression both in the remaining polyp tentacle bulbs (arrowhead) and the ephyral radial canals (arrowhead, eph rc). g, h Free ephyra. The radial canals of the eight primary rhopalar arms are Aa-bmp5/8-positive, as well as the outgrowing velar arms. i, m Broad expression of Aa-tbx4/5 in the rhopalar arms and velar arm endoderm. km Aa-twist is mainly expressed in a row of cells lining the canals of the gastro-vascular system. l detail of k, showing additional twist-positive cells in the endoderm between the canals