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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2016 Jan 31.
Published in final edited form as: Curr Opin Insect Sci. 2015 Feb 1;7:1–7. doi: 10.1016/j.cois.2015.02.013

Table 1. De novo genome assembly strategies.

Assembly software is designed for a specific sequencing and assembly strategy. Thus sequence must be generated with the assembly software and algorithm in mind, choosing a sequence strategy designed for a different assembly algorithm, or sequencing without thinking about assembly is usually a recipe for poor unpublishable assemblies [38]. Here we survey different assembly strategies, with different sequence and library construction requirements. A typical genome project starts with high quality DNA of as low polymorphism as available, and extends beyond genome assembly to include gene annotation. Relatively inexpensive RNAseq from multiple tissues/or life stages (the authors often chooses adult male, adult female and mixed other life stages) provides transcript data for final genome annotation. For the definition of sex chromosomes, it is often useful to re-sequence at 30X coverage one individual of each sex. Additionally, re-sequencing of individuals at 30X genome coverage followed by alignment to the final reference using standard human analysis tools is the best way to characterize sequence variation within a species.

Technology Strategy Software DNA Cost Notes
Sanger Paired-end Overlap-layout-consensus

Read length: 700bp

Insert sizes, coverage
3kb, 15x
8kbp, 5x
graphic file with name nihms676074t1.jpg Celera assembler ++++ +++++ The original sequencing technology is now obsolete for genome assembly due to cost.
454 Fragment + Paired-end Overlap-layout-consensus

Read length: 600bp

Insert sizes, coverage
600bp (fragment), 15x sequence coverage
3kb (pe), 15x clone coverage
8kb (pe), 15x clone coverage
graphic file with name nihms676074t2.jpg Celera assembler

+++ ++++ Later revisions of the chemistry gave almost Sanger length sequence reads. Systemic homopolymer errors in assemblies can easily be corrected with Illumina sequence. Roche has announced a 2016 end of life for 454 sequencing support.
llumina Paired-ends + mate pairs de Bruijn graph based assembly

Read length: 100bp

Insert sizes, coverage
180bp, 40x
500bp, 40x
3kb, 40x
8kb, 20x
graphic file with name nihms676074t3.jpg AllPaths-LG

SOAP de novo


+++ + Needs large memory machine for assembly. Can assemble large eukaryotic genomes. Not designed for polymorphic genomes (except Platanus)
Illumina PCR-free Single library paired-end de Bruijn graph based assembly

Read length: 250bp

Insert sizes, coverage
450bp, 60x
graphic file with name nihms676074t4.jpg DISCOVAR de novo + + Simplified library production. Designed for mammalian levels of sequence polymorphism. DISCOVAR is designed for PCR-free library construction, Platanus is more flexiblegt.

Platanus documentation gives no indication of desired sequence coverage or insert size inputs. We would recommend a longer insert size for scaffolding, in addition to shorter insert sizes for the primary sequence data.
Multiple k-mer de Bruijn graph

Read length: 100bp, 250bp

Insert sizes, coverage
450bp, 60x
3kb-40kb (optional)
graphic file with name nihms676074t5.jpg Platanus
Illumina symthetic long reads (previously Moleculo) Overlap-layout-consensus

Reads: 10kbp sheared to 500–800bp and assembled into 1–18.5kb synthetic reads, 20x
graphic file with name nihms676074t6.jpg Celera assembler + +++ Currently relatively expensive, but has continued potential for cost reduction. Synthetic long reads are very accurate. Possible uneven coverage.
PacBio Self-correction Overlap-layout-consensus

Read sizes, coverage
6–15kb reads at 60x
graphic file with name nihms676074t7.jpg HBAR/Falcon & Celera assembler ++++ +++ All-against-all read alignment for error correction is processing intensive
PacBio Circular Consensus Sequencing Overlap-layout-consensus

Reads sizes, coverage
3kb CCS reads, 20X
graphic file with name nihms676074t8.jpg Celera assembler ++ +++ Trivial error correction to Sanger quality long reads. No possibility of sequence reads error corrected from disparate genomic loci. Assembly of 3kb reads may not be as good as longer reads not be as good as longer reads