Figure 2. Inducing sleep in rutabaga mutants restores short term memory and long term memory.
(A) No improvement in STM is observed in 3–5 day old Cs, w1118 , Ore-R, ry506 or Berlin flies maintained on 0.1mg/mL of THIP compared to vehicle-fed controls. A 5 (Genotype) x 2 (Veh, THIP) ANOVA failed to identify any main effects nor a Genotype X Drug interaction, F[4,69]=1.4,p=0.22; (n=8/group); nonsignificant (n.s.) modified Bonferroni test. (B,C)
rut2080 and rut1 mutants exhibit deficits in STM (veh) which are reversed following 48 h of sleep induced by THIP (0.1T); mutants maintained on THIP but sleep deprived are learning impaired (0.1TSD) (n=>8/group). One way ANOVA for rut2080 F[2,21] = 4.09; p=0.03 and for rut1 F[2,21] = 5.35; p=0.01;*P<0.05, modified Bonferroni test. For comparison, the symbol indicates wild-type performance. (D) Individual rut2080 maintained on vehicle reliably choose the lighted vial on two trials spaced two days apart (V1 and V2). (E) Individual rut2080 flies showed performance decrements while on vehicle (V1) and these decrements were reversed following 2 days of THIP-induced sleep (0.1T2). (F) Mean performance scores ± SEM for rut2080 maintained on vehicle (V1, V2) or switched from vehicle (V1) to THIP for 2-days (T2); paired t-test, *p<0.05. (G,H). Neither RU nor THIP influence STM in DaGsw/+ or rutRNAi/+ parental controls; main effect for RU (F[1,28] = 0.21; p=0.64, and F[1,28] = 0.16; p=0.69, respectively), and THIP(F[1,28] = 0.21; p=0.64, F[1,28] = 0.16; p=0.69, respectively). (I) RU disrupts STM in DaGsw/+>UAS-rutRNAi/+ flies; main effect for RU (F[1,28] = 11.06; p=0.002). THIP restores STM to RU fed DaGsw/+>UAS-rutRNAi/+ flies (RU01T); main effect for THIP (F[1,28] = 6.6; p=0.02); n=8 flies/group, *P<0.05, modified Bonferroni test. (J) STM impairments are reversed in rut2080 mutants after 24 h, but not 12 h, of THIP-induced sleep, One way ANOVA F[3,29] = 3.0; P=0.04; n>=8 flies/group, *P<0.05, modified Bonferroni test. (K)rut2080 mutants continue to exhibit STM for 48 h after being removed from THIP, One way ANOVA F[3,33] = 8.4; P=0.0002; n>=8 flies/group, *P<0.05, modified Bonferroni test. (L)rut2080;104y–GAL4/+>UAS-NaChBac/+ and rut2080;;C5-GAL4/+>UAS-NaChBac/+ lines display normal STM; in contrast, performance is impaired in all parental controls, One way ANOVA F[4,33] = 7.01; p=3.380E-004, *P<0.05, n=8 flies/group, modified Bonferroni test. (M)rut2080;104yGAL4/+>UAS-TrpA1/+ flies display normal STM following sleep induction for 24 h at 31°C compared to siblings maintained at 25°C; STM remains impaired in parental controls at 25°C and 31°C. A 3(genotype) X 2 (temperature) ANOVA revealed a significant genotype X temperature interaction F[2,42] = 16.4; p= 5.39E-06, *P<0.05, n=8 flies/group, modified Bonferroni test. (N)
w (isoCJ1) background controls exhibit similar daytime sleep at both 20°C and 30°C; p>0.05, ttest, n=16 flies/condition. w (isoCJ1) flies display similar performance scores in the APS at 20°C and after being maintained at 30°C for 2 days ; p>0.05, ttest, n=8 flies/condition. (O)
dFabp/+ flies sleep more at 30°C than at 20° consistent with previous reports; *p<.05, ttest, n=15–16 flies/condition. Increasing sleep by placing dFabp/+ flies at 30°C for two days does not improve STM; p>0.05, ttest, n=8–10 flies/condition. (P) Placing rut2080;;dFabp/+ at 30°C increases sleep compared to siblings maintained at 20°C, *p<0.05, ttest, n=15–16 flies/condition. At 20 °C, rut2080;;dFabp /+ exhibit STM impairments which are reversed when sleep is increased by placing flies at 30°C; the improvements in STM are not observed in the absence of sleep (30°C SD). One way ANOVA for condition :F[2,25] = 3.4; p=0.05, *p<0.05 modified Bonferroni test, 8–10 flies/condition. (Q) Flies were maintained on vehicle or THIP for 2 days. THIP-fed flies removed from THIP and placed onto normal food at 10am sleep less than vehicle-fed controls (n=16). (R) Schematic of the protocol used for courtship conditioning. (S) No change in the Performance Index (PI) is observed in vehicle-fed rut2080mutants following training; in contrast increasing sleep with 0.1T results in LTM; Krustal-Wallis p=0.007. n=16–20 flies/group. Error bars, s.e.m.;*P<0.05.