CD8+ and CD4+ T cells are present in PML lesions
(A-C) Double IF staining for CD3 (Alexa Fluor 488, green) and CD8 (Alexa Fluor 568, red) and autofluorescence (blue). (A) Similar number of CD8+ T cells (CD3+/CD8+, yellow-red, arrows) and CD4+ T cells (CD3+/CD8-, green, arrowheads) can be seen at the border of this PML lesion. (B) Higher magnification with insets show a CD8+ T cells (arrows) in both red (CD8) and green (CD3) channels. Conversely in (C), a CD4+ T cell (arrowhead) is characterized by absence of staining of in the red channel (CD8) but staining in the green channel (CD3).