(A) Independently derived transgenic lines were detected via PCR using the primers RNAi-F/RNAi-R and CHSA-F/OCS-R (lanes 1–9: independent Rs-crt transgenic lines). (B) Independent transgenic lines were detected via RT-PCR using the primers RNAi-F/RNAi-R (lanes 1–5: RNA from Rs-crt transgenic lines 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5). M, DNA marker (DL2000); B, blank control without template; V, empty transformation vector plant; W, wild-type plant (negative control); P, positive plasmid control. (C) Southern blot analysis of NdeI-digested gDNA from T0 transgenic plant leaves (lanes v and g: gDNA from empty transformation vector plants and egfp transgenic plants (controls); lanes 1–5, gDNA from Rs-crt transgenic lines 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5).