Fig 12. Isolated braincase elements of Dvellecanus carrolli, gen. et sp. nov. (UCMP 202940).
Shown in right lateral (A), dorsal (B), left anterolateral oblique (C), and left posterolateral oblique (D) views. Surrounding elements have been removed to expose braincase. Scale bars equal 1mm. Abbreviations: occ, occipital complex; opi, opisthotic; pls, pleurosphenoid; pro, prootic; ps, parasphenoid; se, sphenethmoid; si, ossification of the subiculum infundibulum; so, supraoccipital; sta, stapes; II, optic nerve foramen; III, oculomotor nerve foramen; IV, trochlear nerve foramen; V, fenestra prootica; X, foramen for the vagus nerve and jugular vein.