DOPA-sparing effect of VU0364770 and LSP1-2111 on rotation, cylinder and rotarod test when given alone or in combination with l-DOPA, 1.5 mg/kg. l-DOPA alone had no significant effect on rotations but VU0364770 increased rotational behaviour when combined with l-DOPA 1.5 mg/kg (A–B, n = 8). VU0364770 had no effect on forelimb akinesia in the cylinder test (C, n = 18). l-DOPA 1.5 mg/kg slightly improved the rats performance on the rotarod and the combination of l-DOPA 1.5 mg/kg and VU0364770 gave an even stronger and more significant effect (D, n = 18). LSP1-2111 had no effect on rotational behaviour (E–F), or forelimb akinesia in the cylinder test (G, n = 16). While l-DOPA 1.5 mg/kg slightly improved the rats performance on the rotarod, the combination of l-DOPA 1.5 mg/kg and LSP1-2111 had no additional effect (D, n = 16). p < 0.05, * vs. Saline + vehicle, ANOVA and post hoc Student Newman–Keul's test.