Figure 2. Plexin-B2 expression in glioma correlates with survival.
A) Representative images of DAB immunolabeling for Plexin-B2 in normal brain and glioma tissues (n=69). Bar graph summarizes scored signal intensities in different glioma samples (“low” refers to Plexin-B2 immunointensity as found in normal brain). Scale bar: 20 μm. B) Kaplan-Meier survival curves of NCI/Rembrandt glioma patient cohorts. Upregulated Plexin-B2 expression (>2-fold of average normal brain) corresponded with shorter survival time of all glioma patients combined (p<10−4, see Table S1 for details). Upregulated Plexin-B2 expression correlated with shorter survival in astrocytoma patients (p<10−2), and to a lesser degree in oligodendroglioma and glioblastoma patients.