BP cells are specified but do not differentiate in Prdm8 mutants. (A and B) Immunofluorescence antibody staining for the BP cell marker, VSX2, was equivalent in WT and Prdm8EGFP/EGFP retina at PN6. (C–H) The expression of the BP cell markers Bhlhb4, PRKCA, and VSX1 is PRDM8-dependent. (C and D) By in situ hybridization, Bhlhb4 expression in developing BP cells was markedly reduced in the Prdm8EGFP/EGFP retina vs. WT. (E and F) PRKCA expression in RB cells is barely detectable in Prdm8EGFP/EGFP retina vs. WT retina. (G and H) VSX1+ BP cells were reduced in number in Prdm8EGFP/EGFP retina vs. WT. ONL, outer nuclear layer.