Figure 4. Inhibition of tumor growth by AP-2α siRNA in a xenograft mouse model.
The Dotap-nanoparticle-encapsulated AP-2α siRNA (si-AP2) and non-specific scramble siRNA (si-NS) were injected into the tumor regions of mice. Day 0 corresponds to 2 weeks after inoculation of CNE2 cells, and the first treatment was performed when tumor volume reached 150-160 mm3. Tumor diameters were measured at a regular interval of 4 days for up to 27 days with a digital caliper, and the tumor volume was calculated (A, left panel). The xenografts were harvested at 27 days after treatment. The pictures of the tumors were taken (A, right panel), and the weights of the tumors were analyzed (B). The expression levels of AP-2α, COX-2 and PCNA proteins in tumor tissues were detected by Western blot (C) and immunohistochemical staining (D). T, the tumors from the si-AP2-treated group; C, the tumors from the si-AP2-treated group. The data are presented as mean ± SD of three tests. *, p<0.05, significant differences between AP-2α siRNA (si-AP2) groups and the non-specific scramble siRNA (si-NS) groups. n=7 mice/group. Magnification, ×400.