Table 1.
Signaling questions in the QUADAS-2
Domain | Patient selection | Index test | Reference standard | Flow and timing |
Signaling questions (yes/no/unclear) | 1 Was a consecutive or random sample of patients enrolled? | 4 Were the index test results inter preted without knowledge of the results of the reference standard? | 5 Is the reference standard likely to correctly classify the target condition? | 7 Was there an appropriate interval between index test(s) and reference standard? |
2 Was a case-control design avoided? | 6 Were the reference standard results interpreted without know ledge of the results of the index test? | 8 Did all patients receive a reference standard? | ||
3 Did the study avoid inappropriate exclusions? | 9 Were all patients included in the analysis? |
Abbreviation: QUADAS-2, The Quality Assessment Diagnostic Accuracy Studies statement-2.